Commercialisation of Products and Services
Market Analysis
Understanding your markets, competitors and customer requirements is essential in knowing what opportunities exist and what products and services you should be offering. Conceptability can provide you with the necessary information and analysis to enable you develop your strategic and operational plans.
Product & Portfolio Management
Successful businesses manage their products and services effectively. Conceptability can assist you in mapping market requirements to products and services offerings, which can help you develop potential future opportunities.
Process Improvement
The more efficient a business can operate, the better the profitability. Using process improvement techniques throughout your organisation Conceptability can make a real difference to your bottom line.
Project Management
Conceptability can provide you with project management services, for example managing product development, technology or Research & Development projects on their behalf, or to supplement your own resources.
Sales & Marketing
Once you've identified the products and services you want to offer you will need a sales and marketing plan to make sure you make the most of the opportunities in front of you. Do you know your target markets, customers, routes to market, price points, strategy etc? At Conceptability, our sales and marketing services will ensure your business makes the most of all potential opportunities.